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Channel ID & SK

You need a Channel ID and a Channel SecretKey for integration, and you can check them on Merchant Center after merchant registration.

- When a merchant links a payment through LINE Pay, LINE Pay uses the key value provided from this process for the second round of verification process.
※ These key values are unique and are not changed.

1. Email Verification


  • 1) Click “View” button to search Channel ID and Secret Key.
    - Email verification pop-up will be displayed when you click 'View' button.


  • 2) Email with verification code will be sent to merchant administrator’s email address. (For sandbox account, the email address of the Representative)
    ※ Since linking information is a security information, you need 2nd authentication.
  • 3) Input verification code in pop-up screen and click 'Confirm' button.
    ※ Verification code is only valid for 10mins.
  • 4) You can resend email code in case code is expired or you haven’t received email.
    ※ If you resend email, previous code will be expired and no longer able to use.
    ※ Page will be unavailable if you try too many failed attempts. (Max. 5times in 30mins)

    2. Link key Search


  • 5) Copy: copies contents to clipboard.
    ※ You can use this copied value when linking items that have been developed.
  • 6) Download the linking guide.