NAV Navbar
  • LINE Pay API Reference
  • Overview
  • Partner Deposit APIs
  • Appendix
  • LINE Pay API Reference

    Infra and Tech Support

    If you need technical support or have questions about internal errors, contact the Technical Support (

    Env URL Description
    Sandbox Environment for integration testing you can test APIs
    Production Real Service Environment


    Partner Deposit

    LINE Pay provides deposit functions to affiliated stores. With this function, the affiliated store can deposit to the LINE Pay member within the set set limit. LINE Pay members can be specified by the Reference No.

    To use APIs, you have to go through the steps to register as a LINE Pay affiliated store Partner deposit flow

    Reference No

    It is an identifier that can identify LINE Pay members who are uniquely assigned to each member. LINE Pay members can check their reference no in the app.

    Credit Amount

    The credit amount is the maximum amount that can be deposited within a period and is managed by the affiliated store unit. And the credit amount is updated every settlement cycle. In order to use the function of partner deposit, the credit amount must be set in advance. If the credit amount setting period is exceeded or the credit amount setting is forcibly terminated for some reason, this function is no longer possible to use.

    Each Maximum Amount Limit

    There is a maximum amount limit. The LINE Pay affiliated stores can not deposit more than the amount limit even though the credit amount remains.

    Partner Deposit APIs

    API Authentication

    This section describes the authentication for using the LINE Pay API. The "Channel ID" and "Channel SecretKey" information required for authentication can be confirmed through the merchant center site( after the affiliated store registration is completed. The Channel Id and Secret for integration are issued for Sandbox and Production respectively.

    Hmac Signature

    HTTP Method : GET

    Signature = Base64(HMAC-SHA256(Your ChannelSecret, (Your ChannelSecret + URL Path + Query String + nonce))) Query String : The ? Character is not included. (example : name1=value1&name2=value2...)

    HTTP Method : POST

    Signature = Base64(HMAC-SHA256(Your ChannelSecret, (Your ChannelSecret + URL Path + RequestBody + nonce)))

    Common Http Request Header

    The following table shows the Http Header information for API authentication of LINE Pay.

    Key Data Type Required Description
    Content-Type String Y application/json
    X-LINE-ChannelId String Y Integration Information - Channel ID
    X-LINE-Authorization-Nonce String Y UUID or Request timestamp
    X-LINE-Authorization String Y HMAC Base64 Signature


    Do not generate the same signature using a one-time random value nonce. You can prevent an attacker from continuing to send the same request for malicious purposes. For one-time nonce generation you can use UUID 1 or 4 or timestamp.

    Nonce Generation

        String nonce = UUID.randomUUID().toString();


    HMAC Sample Code

    import java.math.BigDecimal;
    import java.util.UUID;
    import lombok.Getter;
    import lombok.Setter;
    import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
    import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.HmacUtils;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
    import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
    public final class HmacSignature {
        public void exampleForGet() {
            String requestUri = "/v1/partner-deposits/limit";
            String ChannelSecret = "a917ab6a2367b536f8e5a6e2977e06f4";
            String nonce = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
            String signature = makeSignature(ChannelSecret, ChannelSecret + requestUri + nonce);
        public void exampleForPost() {
            DepositForm form = new DepositForm();
            form.setAmount(new BigDecimal(100));
            form.setMemo("reward test");
            String requestUri = "/v1/partner-deposits";
            String ChannelSecret = "a917ab6a2367b536f8e5a6e2977e06f4";
            String nonce = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
            String signature = makeSignature(ChannelSecret, ChannelSecret + requestUri + toJson(form) + nonce);
        private String makeSignature(final String key, final String data) {
            return toBase64String(HmacUtils.getHmacSha256(key.getBytes()).doFinal(data.getBytes()));
        private String toBase64String(byte[] bytes) {
            byte[] byteArray = Base64.encodeBase64(bytes);
            return new String(byteArray);
        private String toJson(Object form) {
            try {
                return (new ObjectMapper()).writeValueAsString(form);
            } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
                // TODO: error handling
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        private class DepositForm {
            private String referenceNo;
            private BigDecimal amount;
            private String currency;
            private String orderId;
            private String authCd;
            private String memo;

    Check Limit API

    This is a API that provides limit information. This API allows you to view the currently set deposit and remaining balance.

    API Spec

    GET /v1/partner-deposits/limit


    Response Body

    field data type length description
    returnCode String 4 return code
    returnMessage String 300 return message or reason for failure
    info.creditAmount Number credit amount
    info.remainAmount Number remaining amount in the credit amount setting period
    info.eachMaxAmount Number amount which can deposit per once

    Return Code

    Code Description
    1104 The store is not one of the affiliated store.
    1105 The affiliated store cannot use the LINE Pay.
    1106 A header info error
    9000 An internal error



    curl -X GET \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "X-LINE-ChannelId: {your channelId}" \
    -H "X-LINE-Authorization-Nonce: e51779e1-5788-4884-9c3a-52f7bf8cb0fa" \
    -H "X-LINE-Authorization: {Hmac signature}" \


       "info": {

    Deposit API

    This is a API to deposit to balance of the LINE Pay member.

    API Spec

    POST /v1/partner-deposits

    Request Body

    field data type length required description
    referenceNo String 11 Y LINE Pay Member Identifier
    amount Number Y deposit amount
    currency String 3 Y currency (ISO-4217)
    ex) JPY, THB, TWD
  • Only the currency of the affiliated store's country is available.
  • And the country of the affiliated store and the LINE Pay member must be the same.
  • orderId String 100 Y order id which is unique generated by affiliated store
    authCd String 4 N Last 4-digits of mobile phone number registered in LINE app.

    Response Body

    field data type length description
    returnCode String 4 return code
    returnMessage String 300 return message or reason of failure
    info.transactionId Number 19 transaction id which is unique generated by LINE Pay
    info.transactionDate String 20 transaction date (ISO-8601) which is the time processed by LINE Pay
    ex) 2019-01-18T23:19:52Z

    Return Codes

    Code Description
    1101 LINE Pay number (or additional verification) is wrong.
    1104 The store is not one of the affiliated store.
    1105 The affiliated store cannot use the LINE Pay.
    1106 A header info error
    1108 Failed to send balance to target user due to user status, balance limit, and so on.
    1124 Amount info error (scale)
    1136 Wrong phonenumber error
    1142 Insufficient balance remains.
    1170 Balance of the member's account has been changed.
    1172 There is a record of transaction with the same order number.
    1178 The currency is not supported by the store.
    1183 The amount should be greater than the minimum amount configured in advance.
    1184 The amount should be less than the maximum amount configured in advance.
    1198 Processing the request
    1199 Internal request error
    2101 A parameter error
    2102 JSON data format error
    9000 An internal error



    curl -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "X-LINE-ChannelId: {your channelId}" \
    -H "X-LINE-Authorization-Nonce: e51779e1-5788-4884-9c3a-52f7bf8cb0fa" \
    -H "X-LINE-Authorization: {Hmac signature}" \
    -d '{ "referenceNo":"11512574225", "amount": 1000, "currency":"JPY", "orderId":"Ord2018123100000001", "authCd":"1266" }' \


        "info": {

    Merchant balance history API

    This API returns a list of transactions that have contributed to the account balance of the partner such as charges and transfers.
    The transactions returned are sorted by transaction date in descending order.
    * This api only provides charge/tranfer histories for Merchant Balance partners.

    API Spec

    GET /v1/partner-deposits

    Query Parameters

    field data type length required description
    transactionType String 20 Y transaction type condition to search (ALL / TRANSFER / CHARGE)
    orderId String 100 N order id which is unique generated by affiliated store
    startDate Date 10 N start date to search (if orderId is null, it's required): YYYY-MM-DD
    endDate Date 10 N end date to search (if orderId is null, it's required): YYYY-MM-DD
    page Number N start page number of history (default is 1)
    size Number N number of results per page (default is 10)

    Response Body

    field data type length description
    returnCode String 4 return code
    returnMessage String 300 return message or reason of failure
    info[].transactionId Number 19 transaction id which is unique generated by LINE Pay
    info[].orderId String 100 order id which is unique generated by affiliated store (available when transactionType is TRANSFER)
    info[].transactionDate String 20 transaction date (ISO-8601) which is the time processed by LINE Pay
    ex) 2019-01-18T23:19:52Z
    info[].transactionType String 20 transaction type:
    TRANSFER (transfer balance from merchant to user)
    CHARGE (recharge merchant balance through virtual account)
    info[].transactionAmount Number transfer or charge amount
    info[].referenceNo String 11 LINE Pay Member Identifier (available when transactionType is TRANSFER)

    Return Codes

    Code Description
    1101 LINE Pay number (or additional verification) is wrong.
    1104 The store is not one of the affiliated store.
    1105 The affiliated store cannot use the LINE Pay.
    1106 A header info error
    1140 A user enters wrong/empty arguments.
    2101 A parameter error
    2102 JSON data format error
    9000 An internal error



    curl -X GET \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "X-LINE-ChannelId: {your channelId}" \
    -H "X-LINE-Authorization-Nonce: e51779e1-5788-4884-9c3a-52f7bf8cb0fa" \
    -H "X-LINE-Authorization: {Hmac signature}" \


        "info": [{
          "transactionId": 2020060911435878020,
          "orderId": "1234567891249",
          "transactionDate": "2020-06-09T04:30:18Z",
          "transactionType": "TRANSFER",
          "transactionAmount": 2,
          "referenceNo": "11030001082"


    curl -X GET \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -H "X-LINE-ChannelId: {your channelId}" \
    -H "X-LINE-Authorization-Nonce: e51779e1-5788-4884-9c3a-52f7bf8cb0fa" \
    -H "X-LINE-Authorization: {Hmac signature}" \


        "info": [{
          "transactionId": 2020060911435878020,
          "orderId": "1234567891249",
          "transactionDate": "2020-06-09T04:30:18Z",
          "transactionType": "TRANSFER",
          "transactionAmount": 2,
          "referenceNo": "11030001082"


    LINE Pay error codes

    Defining error codes that may occur in the LINE Pay.

    The return messages of the error codes are in English and a hyphen(-) is sent when the message is sent without a message.

    Code Description
    1101 LINE Pay number (or additional verification) is wrong.
    1104 The store is not one of the affiliated store.
    1105 The affiliated store cannot use the LINE Pay.
    1106 A header info error
    1108 Failed to send balance to target user due to user status, balance limit, and so on.
    1124 Amount info error (scale)
    1136 Wrong phonenumber error
    1142 Insufficient balance remains.
    1140 A user enters wrong/empty arguments.
    1142 Insufficient balance remains.
    1170 Balance of the member's account has been changed.
    1172 There is a record of transaction with the same order number.
    1178 The currency is not supported by the store.
    1183 The amount should be greater than the minimum amount configured in advance.
    1184 The amount should be less than the maximum amount configured in advance.
    1198 Processing the request
    1199 Internal request error
    2101 A parameter error
    2102 JSON data format error
    9000 An internal error

    Sandbox Test Page

    LINE Pay affiliated store will be able to see the list of reference numbers assigned to test users on this page and check their LINE Pay balance.